Cultivate What Matters in 2022 with PowerSheets Planner (Chapel Hill based company)

It’s amazing the difference a planner can make, not just for planning and organizing your daily, weekly, and monthly calendars, but also to help you dig deep into what it is you want, and make a plan to get there. 

A person sitting on a bench in front of a fence
Planning for 2022. What a view from our cabin in Boone at Thanksgiving!

The last two weeks of December (or start of January) are a powerful time to reflect on the year that was. I look at what worked, what didn’t, what I learned, and how I want to adjust my life moving forward. And then, I look towards the coming year and how I want it to look and feel. 

Don’t just do all of this in your head while you’re in the shower and think you’ve got the winning game plan. Clarity and direction come from writing out your big vision, values, goals and road map.

Any successful person will tell you that just the act of writing out your goals gets you 80% of the way to completing them.

I’m excited about 2022 and the vision that has unfolded because I took the time to map out 2022.

It’s easy to push it aside saying you’re too busy. What could be more important than being a powerful co-creator of your own life?

You hold the pen. Write it out. 

I had help planning 2022 with my new Powersheets Goal Planner from Cultivate What Matters.

Powersheets Goal Planner from Cultivate What Matters

powersheets yearly planner
Planning for 2022 on the deck of our beach cottage in the Outer Banks!

We love to share with you ANYTHING that helps make your life easier and better. But especially so when it’s a product LOCAL to the Triangle. I was excited midway through last year to find the Powersheets Planner from Cultivate What Matters, based out of Chapel Hill, NC.

Founder and CEO, Laura Casey created the popular (and colorful) PowerSheets Goal Planner and Bible journals that have the theme of “little by little you can bloom where you’re planted and celebrate what matters.”

In keeping with the triangle spirit, their core values include community, integrity, and an entrepreneurial spirit. (Many of our podcast guests speak of these values of our area!)

Cultivate What Matters is now in its 10th year and over that time has received 800 5-star reviews – including one from me!

Even though it’s the first week of January. It’s not too late to purchase your Powersheets and start planning for this year. Your future is in your hands every day.

What is the Powersheets Goal Planner?

a notebook and stickers
Image by Cultivate What Matters

This unique goal planner is part planner, workbook, habit tracker, and accountability partner. It’s not a traditional day planner, but one that helps you set, plan and track progress toward the goals that matter to you – big or small.

It’s not just about business or work goals either. The Powersheets can help you intentionally plan for any (and all) important aspects of your life.

The planner guides you through a three-step process to first uncover your goals and then help you create a simple 12 month plan to make it happen. The emphasis is on little by little to cultivate habits and change.

There is a two-page calendar spread for each month, but no daily or weekly pages.

You end up with a streamlined plan for the year and an easy way to follow it without getting bogged down by endless to-do lists and appointments.

The PowerSheets Goal Planner is best suited to women who are passionate about building an intentional life and planning for success in a fun, colorful, and simplified way.

Why I prefer it to other Planners?

cultivate what matters yearly planner
Cultivating my 2022

I love the Powersheets so much, I decided to write this full review post to share. This is not sponsored in any way. I am an affiliate partner of the planner, but I have been for all the planners I’ve used and only this one got a full review!

Yearly planners are an expensive, but worthy investment. If you purchase the right planner it will be an instrumental coach in helping you create a successful year ahead AND get excited about it.

I never knew I needed the Powersheets until I started using them and quickly saw why this was the ideal planner, and why all the other ones I used ended up frustrating me.

I’ve learned through the years that a daily schedule or a traditional planner quickly become a mess of appointments, scratched out notes, and barely-achieved to-do lists.

The important stuff – like monthly goals, plans, and reviews get lost within the CHAOS of the day planner.

Frustrated, I’d abandon them lamenting the waste of money.

I could never find a solution for having a planner that mapped out my year, quarters, and months, while also giving me an easy to follow monthly calendar, with some kind of solution for organizing my day. 

Until Powersheets walked into my life – I randomly received it at a conference as a welcome gift – and soon enough I was hooked with how this PLANNER uniquely focused more on the overall plan, rather than crowding it with small daily – mostly unachievable – stuff.

Planning the Year Ahead

a notebook
Let’s do this!

It’s not always easy to know what you want, even hardER to formulate a step-by-step plan to get there. As someone who’s been making and achieving big goals my entire life, I can confidently tell you the PowerSheets has created an easy way to help draw your intentional life out.

The exercises will help you uncover what matters and (most importantly) what doesn’t.

You’ll discover what goals and habits to focus on – and feel confident letting go of the rest as you break down your big, yearly goals into small, simple action steps and short-term goals.

You’ll be amazed at how empowered and excited you’ll feel for the year ahead if you spend this valuable time getting clear on what your intentional life is and how to make it happen.

I also think planning your life using a pen is more powerful than doing it all digitally. There is something about a pen that inscribes it into your brain more and helps make it happen.

Planning the Month Ahead

best yearly planner Powersheets and cultivate what matters
Brainstorm your month and the Tending List

The Cultivate What Matters Powersheets gives you space at the beginning of each month to do your brain dump of the important things to remember and do for the month. I like how it separates it into important to dos, things I’m excited for, what’s on my mind and what I’m hopeful for

There is a two page spread with a monthly calendar where I can neatly track all my important upcoming events and appointments.

The Tending List

The Tending List is where you brainstorm your monthly focus (connected to your goals) and commit to it by breaking them down into monthly, weekly, and daily action steps. There’s a handy tracking chart to help you follow your little by little accomplishments.

I can easily find this game plan when I need to check in and evaluate. It’s not lost in the mess of my jumbled up day schedule.

Space to Evaluate and Celebrate

monthly review guide
Quarterly refreshes

It’s easy to get so caught up in the process of making your goals happen – all those action steps and jumping over hurdles – that you forget to look up and check in with your progress AND celebrate all the wins.

The last page for each tabbed month is a review page where you can reflect on the month that was.

It’s not something to leave until the end of the month; you can fill it with wins and gratitude’s at any time. You’ll find space to record your favorite memories, what you read or listened to, and good things to celebrate and be grateful for.

At the end of the year, you can look back on each month’s review page and see just how awesome the year was and all that you cultivated.

Every 90 days, you’ll find a section called Quarterly Refresh. This is where you can check-in on your big-picture goals, set new short-term goals and action steps and get unstuck from what’s holding you back.

Creating YOUR intentional life is always the focus of this planner (and giving you grace to adapt it as you evolve.)

Pairing it with a Daily Schedule System

Microsoft To Do app
My handy Microsft To Do App

I love how the PowerSheets process is flexible enough to work alongside the daily schedule system of your choice. You can even purchase one of Cultivate What Matter’s Daily Planner Notepads if that works for you.

It doesn’t for me, as my life is far too chaotic and ever changing. My to do list just seems to grow instead of diminish and I fill it too much with brain dumps, which I never do anything with as I get sick of the mess and throw out the paper losing my ideas and my daily priorities.

With paper daily planners, I never feel like I’m organized or like I complete anything. (like I shared in this IG update)

I really do need a daily lists to keep me focused AND a space where I can brain dump – as my mind comes up with 100 ideas a day.

My perfect solution is to plan my year out with the big picture and monthly action steps using the PowerSheets, then use the Microsoft To Do List app for the brain dumps and daily to do lists.

No more wasted paper or scratched out messes.

I put all my brain dumping tasks into categories like blog post ideas, financial plan, personal tasks, and important errands – all of which somehow connect to my yearly goals.

Then I simply click “Add to my Day’ for any task in those lists that are priority for the day. If I don’t get to it, I can easily re-add it into the next day.

When I mark a task complete, it gives me a celebratory bell sound! (celebrate every win!)

Now I don’t lose any of my brilliant ideas as they are neatly organized. If I lose focus through the day, I can check in with my Powersheets to remind myself what my priorities are.

Vibrantly Designed Planner

a notebook
Let’s bloom!

This is your dream life. Planning for it with color, stickers, and pretty fonts makes a difference! A flower printed planner sitting on your desk is bound to grab your attention more than the black leather bound that blends in with everything else.

The planner is beautifully designed with a focus on color, starting with a hard cover of various pastels and flowered prints. Inside you’ll find inspiring quotes, words of wisdom, colorful tabbed months, and a page of stickers you can use!

As each month only has a few pages, it’s not messy or bulky, but streamlined and organized, making it easy for me to stay connected to my most important goals for the year.

Accessories you’ll love

Cultivate What Matters: 2022 Planner
Cultivate What Matters: 2022 Planner

Cultivate What Matters also have extra templates and accessories, like a daily to do list, a homeschool planner, stickers, pouches, and notebooks. See all here.

I use this notebook for my morning journaling, snap in bookmarks to easily find my place, fun stickers to bring vibrancy to creation, and a wall yearly calendar to track the whole family’s schedules.

If you live a faith based life, you may also love the popular Write the Word journals. Each focus on a particular theme (you choose) and are a pathway to dig into encouraging faith scriptures, and make time in the Word their favorite part of the day.

Purchasing a Powersheets Planner also gives you an extra bonus – free access to the Goal School membership site. You get access to training videos, wildcard sheets, and extra resources to help you get the most out of your PowerSheets.

When you spend time getting clear on your goals and planning your year with intention, organization, commitment and of course, color – what you need to make your goals happen just effortlessly arrive.

The PowerSheets are the ultimate in life planning and helping you to Cultivate what Matters!

2 thoughts on “Cultivate What Matters in 2022 with PowerSheets Planner (Chapel Hill based company)”

  1. Kelsey Carrier

    Thank you! I really resonated with this post, especially with the daily plans, lists and papers getting overwhelming and lost. I’ve tried so many weekly and daily planners but they’ve all gone to waste. I soon will be getting my Powersheets and a Microsoft surface. I am NOT a tech person but I think your method may work for me. Powersheets for goals, calendar and tracking but tablet for ongoing lists, documents, emails, etc. Constantly looking at my phone for emails and documents is ridiculous (My computer is too big and old and unreliable). I will be on a learning curve with the Microsoft Surface tablet for sure so I need to be patient (easier said than done). What apps and things do you suggest for that alongside my Powersheets? Thank you!

    1. I don’t have any other apps I use alongside it to be honest. I think the Powersheets combined with the To Do Microsoft app is perfect. The Surface tablet is great and not too much of a learning curve. And I totally understand the email overwhelm. I can’t find any system for that one! There are just too many!

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